Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Day 56 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 25

Desert Terrain

Another warm day in Phoenix with a nice long walk.

I'm thankful for:
-- cell phones
-- a heightened sense of awareness when danger might be present
-- lizards
-- photography

Day 55 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 24

Springtime Color

Today I got lots of scratches, a forehead cut on barbed wire, a bit of a sunburn, but grabbed 41 geocaches. It was great!
Great Cache Container

I'm thankful for:
-- colors
-- a change of scenery
-- the variety you see in nature
-- fun hobbies to occupy your time

Day 54 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 23

Here Comes The Sun

Long day of traveling today, but I got to experience a 70-degree change in temperature in one day. Love that! Hello Phoenix!

I'm thankful for:
-- sunshine
-- alarm clocks (when you set them properly)

Day 53 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 22

Pam, Pipe Major Of The 94th Highlanders

Thought for the day: "My suffering, like the suffering of Christ, is not only for me, but is part of God's plan to help other people. It gives me a reservoir of compassion." -- Bill McPhee

This statement stopped me short. Does it do the same for you? I didn't want to like this idea, but it is biblical. See 2 Cor. 1:3-4 "... the Father of compassion and the God of comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we have received..."

-- I think I'm thankful for pain

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Day 52 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 21

Current Weather

In two days, I'll be making a 50- to 60-degree jump in temperature as I travel to Phoenix. I can't wait!

-- I'm thankful for respites

Day 51 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 20

Jesus Mural

This startling mural appears on the side of a church in Findlay Lake, NY. It's kind of in the middle of nowhere which is why I describe it as startling. You probably can't read it, but the lower right corner says, "Jesus Loves You -- He Really Does."

-- I'm thankful for the ways Jesus jumps out at us in surprising places

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Day 50 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 19

Artwork By Drew

My nephew, just 4 years old, created this masterpiece. Can you see his signature in the corner? So cute! I don't know what this depicts so I need to ask him about it. I love that my mom mailed it to me.

-- I'm thankful for my niece, Morgan, and nephews Graham, Drew and Sam

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Day 49 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 18

Wegmans Low-Fat Raspberry Truffle Ice Cream

-- I'm thankful for ice cream. Actually, I'm thankful for dessert in general.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Day 48 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 17

Good TV In The House

I'll admit it -- I like American Idol. Simon, Paula, Kara and Randy keep my attention now until the end when the winner is crowned. I can't stand some of the 36 who remain, so we'll see how long they last.

I'm also partial to The Amazing Race, Survivor, and Top Chef, to name a few. See a pattern here? Can you say reality, which really isn't reality?

I'm thankful for:
-- living vicariously
-- meeting new people

Day 47 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 16

I Hate It When That Happens

Another nice drive today home from Rochester. Saw "Slumdog Millionaire." Wow -- a mesmerizing movie. Have you seen it?

One distressing thing: there are now as many commercials as there are previews before a movie starts. I don't like this.

I'm thankful for:
-- road trips
-- interesting landscapes
-- good movies that pull you in to a new world

Day 46 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 15

Going Nowhere Anytime Soon

Nice, sunny drive over to Rochester today. Good company, good times.

I'm thankful for:
-- aunts, uncles and cousins
-- mexican train dominos

Day 45 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 14

Tiny Visitors

It was warm today and it was the first time I recall hearing the chorus of feathered friends in a long time.

-- I'm thankful for the birds and their songs

Day 44 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 13

Driveway Snow Art

I was walking along well after dark and saw this silhouette on the ground.

-- I'm thankful for nature's surprises

Day 43 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 12

Nighttime Directions

I'm thankful for:
-- wildlife
-- stew

Day 42 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 11

Rich, the master of my coiffure

-- I'm thankful for people who make us look beautiful

Day 41 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 10

Just so-so today.

-- I'm thankful for the mundane sometimes.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 40 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 9

Today's photo would have been of the beautiful full moon we had, complete with some wispy clouds and some tree branches in the foreground. However, my camera was dead. So please imagine this nice image in your mind...

-- I'm thankful for rechargeable batteries when they are charged.

Day 39 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 8

Have you ever been to a Chili Cook-Off? Participants make their best recipe so you end up with lots of varieties and flavors to try. We even had a "Chicken's Chili," which was actually chicken noodle soup. You vote for your favorite by donating money, which all goes for a good cause in the end. Good stuff, although I had some heartburn after the fact.

-- I'm thankful for inter-church fellowship

Day 38 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 7

I have spent quite a bit of time catching up on my 365 Day Experiment. Despite my review at the end of month one, I have not followed my own advice. I'm trying to recapture past days and it is hard. Going to Chicago threw me off a bit because I didn't have internet access for most of the trip. (Stayed in an expensive hotel, and yet they wanted to charge $10 for internet -- stink!) So I have no picture for today and don't remember what I was thinking about ...

Day 37 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 6

Isn't this a beautiful kitchen?

-- I was thankful to have the day off today to rest, read, watch TV, and not do much else.

Day 36 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 5

The Museum of Science & Industry in Chicago. Beautiful building but a poor picture as we flew by it. I guess Chicago often looks like a blur when you are driving through?

-- I was thankful today to have some down time to think and reflect. I had been surrounded by lots of people all week and needed some space.

Day 35 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 4

Brad and John

These are two of my spiritual mentors (no snickering from those of you who know them). They have taught me much, challenged me, laughed with me, done God's work with me, and experienced pain with me. I'm proud to call them my friends and love it when I know I'll get to see them and talk to them. Thanks, guys, for all you've done for me!

I could kick myself for not taking another photo today of my good buddy, Bob. We had lunch and a great time catching up. He, too, has been an important person in my life for many years. We've talked and shared a lot, and he was the best gift from one of my previous jobs.

I am thankful for:
-- all of my friends, especially these guys. How could we go through life without the love and care of our friends? I am so blessed and glad for these connections.
-- deep-dish, Chicago-style pizza

Day 34 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 3

Here are about 40 folks from the Association of Covenant Camps & Conference Centers (ACCCC) having dinner together at the Ram Restaurant & Brewery. I spent 3 days with these good folks sharing ideas, being encouraged and challenged. They are great and I'm proud to call them my colleagues in ministry.

I'm thankful for:
-- my job and my connection to others who do something similar
-- further insights into who I am

Day 33 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 2

This is a blurry photo of a worship service at the Evangelical Covenant Church's Midwinter Conference. Reportedly over 1,000 people here, and the worship was AMAZING. Great music, good speakers, and such a good vibe in the place. Loved it!

So the Super Bowl was great, too, eh? Way to go Steelers!

I'm thankful for:
-- my denomination, which is vibrant and doing exciting things
-- the diversion of great sports on TV

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Day 32 of 365 Day Experiment -- February 1

Soldier Field in Chicago

I'm in Chi-Town for most of the week on business. I'm looking forward to some interesting places for photos, and the weather is warmer here! This was taken while driving down Lakeshore Drive at dusk, so it's the best I could do today.

I'm thankful for:
-- a change of scenery
-- big city life (it seems exciting)

Review of 365 Day Experiment

I have completed one month of my 365 Day Experiment. So far, I think it is going pretty well. It has made me be more cognizant of what I'm thankful for. I'm also oriented around finding a photo to take each day. Things I want to improve:
  • I need to do my posts each day so I can remember better what I've been thinking
  • I have not been journaling as much as I had planned so I want to step it up on the writing

So, I look forward to the review after month #2!

Day 31 of 365 Day Experiment -- January 31

Here's my hot ride to Chicago. Not. Wouldn't it be nice if rental car companies would usually run out of all models except for red mustangs?

-- I'm thanful for friends who are willing to shine light into a dark place in your life. Even when it hurts.

Day 30 of 365 Day Experiment -- January 30

Here's a dinner I really like:
  • A grilled, thin strip steak with Lawrey's seasoning
  • A few small white potatos with I Can't Believe It's Not Butter and dried cilantro
  • Peas with a bit of butter

I'm thankful for sunshine